Monday, September 9, 2013

First Shangri-la Plaza Mall video: Shang Orchestra Series features Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra PPO

This was recorded on August 31, 2013.  The concert was a relief considering August 2013 was a hectic month for the Konsyerto Pinoy channel.  A Gary V. video upload was pending during the concert. I was still groggy (lack of sleep) due to the AKA JAM upload and the pending Gary V. video.  PPO was great and the East Wing was so relaxing.  However, I was thinking to spice up the video and the result was to take a footage while walking on both(left and right) sides of the orchestra.  

The event personnel was very accomodating when I asked for permission to record the event.  At first, I was a bit disappointed when I saw the audience size.  Hey! It is PPO performing and you better listen because whatever you will do in the mall is already worth it considering this orchestra will play for you for FREE. At the middle of the concert, I did feel there is hope when I glanced at the seats which were fully occupied.

This concert reflects my being.  PPO members ,I would assume, had classical training and now they are performing motion picture era music.  I took up piano course under a patient teacher Mrs. Felipa Francia at the Philippine Women's University.  I still remember the "haunted house" building which I used to go to. Reports which I heard was that fire razed the building. I just recall that my piano lessons were transferred  to the present PWU main building at the front of the razed building.  As expected, I did not pursue the course because of my musical interest. There were dozen of discussions with my Mother who loves classical music and likes Van Cliburn. In the end, she gave up on me because she can never be convinced by my reasoning that I must love something to finish it.

I do not want to be boxed to a certain type and genre of music.  At that time, I like Bartok on Monday, Chopin on Tuesday, Bacharach on Wednesday, Mozart on Thursday, Jabarra/Summer on Friday, etc. Also, I don't want to be obliged to play the piano. I prefer to watch and to listen.  I love fusion and musical experiments. Like food, you have to take a variety of it and in moderation. Similar to my Konsyerto Pinoy channel, I feature music from different genre.  There is one common thing though - I LIKE WHAT I FEATURE and I BELIEVE IN THESE ARTISTS.   Of course it is my intention to present to people diverse form and genre of entertainment concerts. Indeed, the Philippines is a rich source of fine artists. 

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