Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Throwback 1: The Turning Point Video

Currently, I record my videos using a palmcorder which was given to me by a supportive relative Kuya Ardy. Thanks to my niece Jean Carl JC for bringing the equipment from Maryland to Makati City. Probably, Kuya Ardy got tired of the image quality of my earlier videos. LOL. However, these videos established my video making interest.  

Without batting an eye, I can say that the lowly pre-android mobile camera which I used to record over a hundred Youtube videos has served its purpose better than any smart mobile and SLR camera.  Just to appease the high-end users, I will agree that image quality is far from the state-of-the-art equipment. However, in the final run, the creator drives the quality of the video not the gadget.  Otherwise, I will just look for an R2D2 and hand him an SLR to shoot any event.

Anyway, the most important thing for me is to please my viewers and I am aware of the limitation of my first video recorder - a Nokia N70 mobile phone camera.  I wanted my viewers to see clearly what they want to see.  There are times when I cannot be very close to the performer or the lighting is too much and the shots suffer. Well, Kuya Ardy spared me from looking for an alternative gadget and ,most importantly, budget. He sent me the palmcorder last July 2013.

It was the third week of July 2013 and I was looking for an appropriate event to use my equipment. An NPDC (National Parks Development Committee) Philippines weekend video was my plan. The NPDC weekend video should have been "Paco Park Presents - Friday, Labs Kita Sabado - Saturday, Concert at the Park - Sunday". (For your info, NPDC administers historical Philippine Parks such as Rizal Park and Paco Park.)

I am looking for continuity and consistency (or harmony)  in the planned video. Since I could not find such item, I decided to use it for July 20, 2013 - Labs Kita Sabado.  The featured performers belong to a group called The Turning Point Dancers.  What a coincidence since the video I shot was a "turning point" of sorts. It was a turning point for my video making activity - from mobile video recording to a video camera recording.  The video is my first "Labs Kita Sabado" feature in the midst of my numerous "artful" Paco Park Presents videos. Also, it was a homecoming for me to Rizal Park where I shot my first musical video - the park's Dancing Fountain.

The Turning Point Dancers are also members of the Sanglahi Dance Troupe of Villamor High School.  They remind me of my first "commercial" dance video "Boom na Boom Night Market Special". I get inspired if I see young people immerse themselves in worthwhile activities - singing, dancing, arts, music, sports, cooking, etc. aside from studying.

This turning point video starts with the dancing fountain (as in my first musical) with "Taralets" by Imago which is one of the alternative/rock/pop band I like.  The Labs Kita Sabado is a show which happens right next to the dancing fountain of Rizal Park.  Also, I used the song "Sabado" which was sung by an admired singer Ms. Celeste Legaspi. The "Sabado" song was a "naughty?" theme song of infidels but the intention was to highlight the day "Saturday".  From the fountain to the Labs Kita Sabado introduction, I used the mobile phone camera.  The rest of the video with the turning point dancers was recorded via the palmcorder.

Although I am quite satisfied with the video output of the palmcorder, this will not stop me from improving the technical aspect of my video making activity. In other words, I will have an open mind to any equipment which will best satisfy the requirements of the different video making situations which I will encounter. Moreover, this does not mean my cherished N70 will retire.

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