Friday, September 13, 2013

Not only a musical Just For You!

Gary Valenciano Just For You @ Glorietta Mall (featuring A.K.A. JAM)

As a standard procedure, I watch my video immediately after Youtube displays the upload complete message. To improve the video, I watch the original version uploaded  and the sanitized version courtesy of Youtube editor.  Then, I decide which to publish.  Almost always after my "Makati Fire - May 30, 2012" video, I publish the stabilized (minimized shaky scenes) version of my videos.

After publishing the final version, I watch the video to increase the view count and ,more importantly, to get impressions and insights.  (Note: I watch the video COMPLETELY!!  I do not just click and close then click again to increase the view count.)  My intention is to ask myself "In this published version, can I leave the video and allow the public to watch it without grave regrets?".  Of course, I have lowered my standard as far as image quality due to my recording medium.

Like any creator, I get to feel that a video could be great, so-so, or even disappointing. I do not use a fixed criteria to rate my video.  Instead, I based my self-rating on the following: 1) technical review which includes image quality, scene shots/angles, timing, lighting, audio and video consistency 2) content review which covers included footage, footage sequence/story line, original or derived material (concept, images, concert scripts) and 3)gut-feel review which is too subjective to describe - an example could be the video impact. Whatever my self-rating of a video, I try my best to treat all my videos like my offspring which should be given equitable attention and importance.

Lately, I have been recording entertainment concerts due to my emphasis on my second channel Konsyerto Pinoy.  I got excited due to my new recording medium but after a couple of videos I got bored. Then again, video-op from Glorietta came  and I was very satisfied with the Mark Bautista's The Sound Of Love video. However, I was still looking for "something more". Then, Glorietta FB posted a Gary V. album concert for the Ayala Center Estate Association.

As a creative person, I admire Gary V. since he is a total performer.  Well, Mr. Pure Energy (Gary V's "official" iconic title) is an active musical icon and to record his concert is an honor for the Konsyerto Pinoy channel and myself.  So I went to Glorietta and asked the concierge ladies for the reserved seat requirements.  I made the necessary purchase which included maintenance medicines for my Mother's diabetes and glaucoma, and secured a reserved seat ticket.  Prior to the concert, being challenged was the only emotion I felt.

During the concert, I was surprised when the voice-over emcee announced the opening act - A.K.A. JAM. I was not familiar with this group since I only watch the news lately (within the last couple of years after the final airing of Charmed and Ghost Whisperer on free TV).  Anyway, I did not hurriedly prepare my recorder but heard a familiar song "Got To Be Real".  It was a disco song alright and belonged to the group of disco songs which I dig. Since there are disco songs which I find tawdry (my apologies for the description),  it was very interesting that a young group would perform a classy "though not a huge/monstrous hit" song.  This choice was a head start  to focus my attention on the group.

My attention was completely stolen when the group finished a couple of lines from the song.  I did regret not having my recorder ready.  From that point, I recorded the performance until the song's end.  When I recorded the second song "This is my Life", a latecomer blocked my view of the group.  Still I finished recording the second song.  Afterwards, Gary V's concert started.

When I reviewed the footage after the concert, I was disgusted that I was not able to record a complete solo A.K.A. JAM song.  I could not separately upload their duets with Gary V. since these duets form part of the concert highlights.   I badly wanted to feature the group since they woke up my system that night. I just wanted to prove to the world that they are quite GOOD. How? By showing their versatility. Luck is on my side since I partially recorded each of the two contrasting songs.

After the opening act, I was ready for a bigger challenge - to make a decent recording of Gary V.  As usual there are audio nuisance problems since I was recording with a jam packed crowd. To make things worse, a lot in the audience were now carrying tablets and bigger recording devices.  It was a nightmare at the start of Gary V's second song "Di Bale Na Lang" when tablets were raised to the heavens. On my part, I need a drastic solution which is to stand-up and record.  By the end of the song, I have to ask the permission of the ushers to stand up  and record in their area. Good thing that they are not conservative teachers from the old school.

In my life, I have watched a lot of live concerts, recitals, performances and musicals (films, TV shows and TV specials).  You expect the artist(s) to sing, dance and perform well.  Sometimes we do not even bother to know the nature, theme and purpose of the musical event.  As long as we like what we hear and what we see, then the event is good.  At the minimum, that is what the audience should be given.    However, there are artist(s) who unintentionally or intentionally give us more.  When the artist starts talking and shares a little of his/her life experiences, he/she is indirectly imparting values in our system.  When they emphasize positive value(s), they become generous by becoming "teachers" in life.

The essence and heart of Mr. Gary V's concert and ,probably the most touching highlight, was when he recounted how his Just For You album came into being.  There was no melodramatic angle in the story. The album's story is a product of love.  It is an event where partners can replicate in different forms - a simple act of thoughtfulness and giving.  (Not even an expensive gift but a very special one!)  Good thing the audience did not make much noise when Gary V. was telling the story. In a concert, this is the "something more" I was looking for.

The "something more" did not stop from Gary V's story of the album's being. During the concert, I noticed Mr. Pure Energy's conscious effort to go to the audience area. Well, the fans and admirers were ,of course, delighted.  As a video maker, I avoid taking direct shots at the audience.  For this video, the enthusiastic audience contributed something very valuable to the video - their smile when Gary V poses with them.  One can see genuine/authentic happiness in those photo-ops with Gary V.  Such smiles uplift a video viewer's spirit.  I was a bit surprised of the video outcome even with the intro song used - Overjoyed.

As expected, Gary V's duet with A.K.A. JAM was an enjoyable moment. The finale which was a medley of current hits shows that music can bridge generations.  Like Mr. Gary V., I can still appreciate today's music - rap, hip hop, alternative, electronic house, experimental, fusion, etc.  As bearers of the previous torch, we can show the NOW generation our openness to new ideas and style within responsible limits. Old and New styles complement each other.  The best songs composed are those which touch people's hearts regardless of age. And as far as Gary V's video is concerned, it might just be another musical but ,in my eyes, it gave me insights about Joy and Happiness.


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